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Behind the Scenes at Snack Hawaii

Behind the Scenes at Snack Hawaii

Check out what goes on behind the scenes at Snack Hawaii. We are a distributor for the island of Hawaii and also send our snacks all over the USA. Did you get yours yet?

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Parker MacRae - July 7, 2021

I found out at age 42 I was born on Hawaii before it became a state of the USA (Aug 19, 1959). They said I was born in the city of Hilo and then put on the grey market for adoption. It felt odd to know I was born on an island. Last year I met a Hawaiian who had lived his whole life in Hilo, HA. He tried to explain Hawaiian culture, food and life to someone who had last been on the island when she was 2 days old. He raved about Crack seed. I looked it up and found Snack Hawaii. I ordered a sample crack seed set, and at the same time, began planning a move to Hawaii.

There is no way to explain crack seed. The first nibble, I thought…“this is an insane crazy taste, why on EARTH would ANYONE eat this?” It took about an hour before I decided to try it again, to make sure I didnt like something from the islands. The second nibble, it was not a negative, sorta “this is weird…. but… the flava… yowsah!”..

Three hours later, maybe try again? “oh.. maybe so….” It took nearly 6 hours to eat the first Li Hing Mui Sweet Crack Seed.

Now? omg… we have had to put the plans on moving to Hawaii on hold. I order crack seed nearly once a month. I hide half the order. hang head I cant help it. I feel I am 60 years young and need to make up for all the years I never knew anything about crack seed!!

If you have never tried crack seed, I urge you to buy a package. Li Hing Mui is one of God’s gifts to your mouth. Nibble a seed, tiny bits… you need to let your taste buds wake up before you put a whole one in your mouth. But… be careful… this might end up to be a total addiction….. lol… I had NO idea that a food could become an addiction. I love Crack Seed, I give up chocolate and ice cream to get crack seed… lol. Every month.. in my budget!!!! lol

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